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St Cross Fantasy Cricket league 2024

St Cross Fantasy Cricket league 2024

Nicola Burridge8 May - 09:00
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Get your competitive juices flowing (although it is just for fun, honest)

So now that we are officially in British Summer Time, here's something purely for fun and to get your competitive juices flowing in the run up to this year's season!

Please find following a link to the shiny new St Cross Symondians Fantasy Cricket League 2024

Hopefully you will find the website straightforward to negotiate and that it has sufficient info to enable you to pit your wits and pull together your best team of St Cross's finest cricketers!

This is a fund-raiser for the club and it will cost £10 to enter a team. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams. Please promote to friends and family - the more the merrier and the more funds raised for the club.

In addition to the RULES tab on the website, please be aware of the following information:

1. Only senior league fixtures will count towards your points
2. Please note that some teams will not be playing the weekend of 4th May
3. New players will become available to the transfer market in the week after their first fixture.
4. In the interests of equality and fraternity, all players have been valued equally at the outset. Player values will be adjusted automatically by the fantasy league algorithms each week depending on performance.
5. Payment - please pay your £10 entry fee via the Fantasy league website
6. The League commences on 4th May
6. It is well worth checking out Play-Cricket for statistics and form of players whom you may not be familiar with
7. You can only enter one team per registered user. If you want to enter more than one team, you will need to use separate email addresses.

Any queries please contact Kev Neave

Good luck and enjoy

Further reading